Showing posts with label titanic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label titanic. Show all posts

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Worst Ocean’s Tragedy... Titanic Photos and Pictures

The story of Titanic maiden voyage continues to trickle in the hearts of many people, and it is one of the ocean’s greatest tragedies that have received widespread concern. A journey that began in Southampton on the 10th of April 1912 turned out to be a tragedy on the 15th of April 1912. Under the Captainship of Edward Smith, RMS Titanic, which was apparently referred to as the “unsinkable” vessel, on this fateful night it defied the wishes of mankind and crashed in the Newfoundland in the North Atlantic Ocean leaving an estimated 1522 passengers dead.

There are many stories, books, and theories, which explain the misery surrounding the sinking of the Titanic on the 15th of April 1912. Many theories have been put forward, however, there are certain issues, which raise concern about how the Captainship of the ship was carried out from the time it left Southampton through to the time of its sinking.

One of the aspects which continue to worry many people is the fact that before the fateful day, there were about 6 warnings, which were radioed to Titanic and apparently there were no cautionary measures that were taken. The main reason why there is a lot of speculations as the why the collision occurred is that before Titanic hit the iceberg that eventually led to its sinking, it was cruising at about 22.5knots, which was about 0.5knots to its maximum speed.

This means that it was travelling at a higher speed amidst reports that there were threatening icebergs, which had widely been reported by various vessels including the Californian. The Titanic ship was carrying about 2227 passengers when it hit an iceberg at around 11:40hours on the 14th of April 1912. There were people of all social economic background from nannies, kitchen attendants, maids, engineers, wealthy individuals to the reach in the society.

During the fateful day, there was darkness since there was no moon and this is one of the reasons why the iceberg was not seen from a distant. When Titanic hit the iceberg, it took about 2 hours before it sank. At this time, women and children were first rescued with use of lifeboats. It is also cited that some of the lifeboats were dropped half full meaning that if they could have been occupied with passengers, they could have saved more people dead.

When Titanic was sinking, the Wallace Hartley band was still playing for the passenger who were agonized, terrified and in panic. This is one of the unusual circumstances that are reported of the Titanic orchestra. It continued playing melodies until the ship went down to the waters. All the Titanic band members perished in the tragedy. Of the Titanic passengers, only about 705 survived.

Some of these survivors have lived to tell their stories and truly these stories are some of the most haunting. Titanic ship was discovered on the 14 July 1986 about 74years since it sunk. There have been many explorations, which have been done on the wreckage and they continue to bring fresh memories of the tragedy to the world.

RMS Titanic Inc. is the company that was mandated to carry out explorations and expedition on the wreckage and they have recovered out about 5500 artifacts, which are preserved in various Titanic museums. It can be said that the Titanic tragedy changed the safety aspects of cruise ships. It is believed that if Captain Edward could have acted differently, perhaps he could have saved the tragedy from occurring.

Although he was one of the most experienced Captains of the times, he might not have taken the appropriate precautions to prevent the collisions and ultimate sinking of Titanic. He had over 26 years of experience cruising along the Atlantic Ocean and knew every aspect about iceberg presence in the Newfoundland area.

Of the titanic survivors, Charles Joughin is one of the passengers of the Titanic tragedy who managed to survive the cold freezing waters of the Ocean. Joughin is said to have intoxicated himself with whiskey during the journey and this is one of the reasons why he managed to survive the freezing cold waters. The whisky is said to have warmed the body thus surviving the freezing temperatures.