What are Business risks?
Business risks can be defined as the events or activities that when induced, they cause problems to the survival of a business entity. In the context of business organizations, risks can be categorized into internal and external risks. Internal risks manifest themselves within the business environment, and may include threats that undermine performance, safety, and security of employees at workplace. Such threats also trigger financial mismanagement, poor quality production, mechanical breakdowns of machines, and increased employee complaints.
Externally, business risks may present themselves as financial market uncertainties, credit risks where the creditors fail to pay the owed amounts, and natural disasters that strike a business. The ways in which business risks are established vary from organizational culture, kind of the industry, and the business practices in place.
Objective-based strategy
Through objective-based strategy, risks can be established, and this seeks to evaluate the events and activities that jeopardize the process and efforts of achieving the goals and objectives of a business. For example, if the objective of the business is to increase its profitability, but the technological innovations cannot support this initiative, this is then viewed as a risk, and the management should work towards improving on the technological innovations as a mitigation measure.
Taxonomy-based approach
A taxonomy-based approach may also be used to identify business risks. This means that possible risks sources are analyzed. Information on business risks can be sourced from the employees and the management, whereby, questionnaires are supplied and information gathered on the perceived risks that may manifests within a business or outside the business and result to inability to achieve the set goals and objectives.
The employees offer information on potential risks, and this is tabulated by listing them down evaluating their probability to occur, and the severity of the effects they may pose. In the business set-up, there are usually lists of known risks that are perceived as a threat to business operations. For instance, fire, employees’ safety at work, theft, financial misappropriation, employees’ strikes, and under-performance are perceived as ideal business risks.
Others may include unhealthy competition in the market, lack of resources to support the business, weak management team, natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. All these may be common risks in a business set-up. Through the common-risk checking, these risks are analyzed, their probability to occur, and the severity of damage or impact they may bring to the business is also established.
Source analysis approach
The business risks may also be determined by source analysis whereby the source of the business risk is established. This means that if the source of the risk is poor management, then this mismanagement of the business is viewed as the risk.
If the source of a business risk is poor financial management, then the financial mismanagement is regarded as the risk. In other forms, the risks can be identified by the problem. This is the problem analysis and it normally entails establishing the threats that confront the business organization. For example, the threat of losing competitive edge, recording reduced profitability, losing loyal customers, or threat of the business burning down from fire or explosions. These threats are risks that can affect the continuity of the business.
Scenario-based method
The risks can also be identified through scenario-based method whereby any event or activity that induces an unjustifiable business position such as reduced profitability may be regarded as a risk. Other examples such as the activities that trigger complaints and cause conflicts of interests may also be cited as risks. Factors that hinder business from moving to particular region may be viewed as risks. For instance, the unstable political climate and government autocracy and bureaucracy in registering businesses may be the risks.
Ad Click Xpress is one among the surviving Scam sites on the internet. If you are an internet user whether a seasoned marketer, a publisher, or just another fellow looking for ways to earn online, then you need to realize that the road to success is not easy. I have learned from experience and would like to strongly warn people who are desperately searching for ways to earn online to refrain from sites like Ad Click Xpress. I am deeply touched and very much concerned how people are losing money including myself who has years of experience working online.
I must attest that the internet lacks a comprehensive regulation and international jurisdiction that can work around to protect internet users from the merciless acts of thieves and robbers who continue to reap from where they haven’t sown. In this article, I will feature a site that is not new to many. This is Ad Click Xpress, and if you have been following the happenings of Profit Clicking, you clearly understand what I mean.
Ad Click Xpress was born after the collapse of Profit Clicking early this year. Profit Clicking was born after the collapse of Just Been Paid, and the list of evolution goes on. What has been happening is that this is the same website or dubious business that has been rebranding itself. If you understand business law, when a business rebrands, it is technically very difficult to pursue any legal means to address issues with the company.
Now, the problem is that these Internet thieves are scamming people, and continue to flourish and trap unsuspecting Internet users with very enticing advertisement and emails. If you look at the complaints posted on the internet, they are many but when you go to the website of Ad Click Xpress, what you find is a collection of very inspiring testimonials from some people who might have benefited or are paid to give such testimonies.
Why don’t we see the negative complaints being posted on the testimonials page? Simply this cannot happen. If websites like Zeekler Rewards collapse, there is no way sites like Ad Click Xpress will survive. It is just a matter of time before you lose your hard-earned money the cruel way. My friends, I am appealing and pleading with you to you keep off from all those ad clicking sites before you regret for the rest of your time.
If you have already registered, don’t waste your time because these businesses do not have any model of successful operation. In fact, they are “Ponzi schemes” that benefits a handful of people while millions lose their dollars. What people fail to understand is that these sites are crowded with millions of users who are willing to risk a few dollars. Many of them start with about 10 or 20 dollars because they fear they will lose their money, which anyway happens at the end.
If you consider that there are millions of users, when you multiply those numbers by about 20 dollars, you get thousands of dollars being swindled from willing users. The reason why I term the users of these sites as “willing users” is because they know they are risking their money on platforms that do not work. Did you know that the owners of these sites depend on the traffic or the users who register with their sites?
The more users they have, the more traffic they get. Now, this traffic is what is called “useless traffic”. Well I perceive this as “Useless traffic” because these are users who are not registering to seek for products and services. So when you ask them to click on sites, you only hope that they will find something interesting to buy products or register to other website.
This does not happen because all these users are here to make money from something they do not understand, and which does not exist in the first place. Therefore, the owners of the sites are dwelling on the wrong traffic. This is why all these site fail before they disappear with people’s money.
The publishers who advertise on these sites fall under the same category of dubious sites. About 90 percent of all websites advertised through sites like the Ad Click Xpress are themselves dubious. They are also seeking for ways to con people. This is why you find sites like 2 Dollar Clicks and other Ad Clicking websites featured here. You will also find systems that claim to make thousands of dollars being advertised at Ad Click Xpress, and which never work, at all.
So what is the point here? If you have registered with Ad Click Xpress, it is time you quit and stop your engagement with this site. You can remember how Profit Clicking used to say…. “A million dollars for anyone who can prove that this system is unsustainable”
So who can protect consumers from these websites?
Apparently, scammers are existing on the internet, and they continue to thrive yet nothing is happening. The internet community is giving a blind eye to this kind of carnage yet there is something that can be done. First, Search Engines should not display all sites that have been blacklisted as scams. Those sites should be banned from search engines completely.
Secondly, all electronic money transfer companies doing business with these scamming website should be put at task to explain why they are doing that, and be compelled to immediately close the accounts and members receive their refunds. I would like to give a big applause to PayPal which has shown exceptional commitment in barring such scam businesses.
All electronic money transfer business should refrain from engaging in business with these scam sites. I am raising an alarm to the internet community, and it is time the world works as one community and put an end to this carnage. Internet theft is becoming a threat that has deadly repercussions to economies that terrorism. Why are the world’s leading economies or countries keeping quiet of a risk that could destroy their economies?
If you have any website that has swindled your money, kindly blacklist it on this page. I want the world and particularly internet users to see how internet scam sites continue to thrive and flourish while they steal money from the poor and hopeless. If you want to learn more about Ad Click Xpress scams and complaints, just type this query Ad Click Xpress scams, and you will find many complaints put forward by people who have lost money through this site.