Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Internet Use Monitoring In Workplace…Should It Really be Done ?

As much as the importance of the Internet highly thrives, its use is looped around ethical loopholes that need to be sealed. In essence, the very innovation that is developed to benefit the company may turn out to be destructive to the employees' work initiative.

Internet use in workplace is something that businesses cannot do without but this technology has to be used constructively. When introduction of new technology is announced in workplace, the employees develop a quest to have the innovation installed. They wait for the new technology with zeal. Internet connectivity is one of the digital edge instruments that have assumed another shape in its use in workplace. 

One importance of Internet is the ability to provide communication with other audiences allover the world. The greatest advantage and which is also the greatest threat to Internet use is the borderless access to information. Once you have logged in the websites, you entirely get into another virtual communication world.

Internet can easily carry the emotions, mind-sets, feelings, and concentrations of the audience in an immense way totally destructing the real person’s presence at the point of use of the Internet. The mental status and thinking abilities are carried away from the person’s position of work.

This explains the point that Internet in the workplace should solely be used for work related purposes only. Workers must never be seen using the Internet for personal gains. Moreover, high ethical standards are called for in employees in order to safeguard the interest of the company to avail internet connections in the workplace.

Internet in workplace is essential as first and foremost it enhances the communication system within and outside of the organization. Information flow within the employees’ network is improved and this is reflected by the way problems are solved, tasks are delegated, and essential highlights are quickly distributed to the respective workers.

Still of great importance is the ability to access research materials and information right from the office desk. The management can easily initiate a product survey, product and corporate research in a more accurate, convenient, and efficient manner. The list is endless as its use in the company expands with the company's need to grow. In essence, internet is a great tool for the growth of business but it has to be applied constructively.

Considering the increased interaction in social media sites like twitter, facebook, pinterest, google+, and linkedin, if workers are not monitored, they can purely use the workplace internet resource for their self-gain and not to the interest of the business. Nonetheless, internet use monitoring should be done is a very intuitive manner not to hurt the feelings and emotions of workers.

Business Process Management…Designing, Modeling, Execution, Monitoring, and Optimization

Business process management (BPM) is both a mechanized and human-driven approach that capitalizes on the company's physical resources and manpower to create effectiveness and efficiency in production while meeting customer satisfaction. It is a process that drives a company to competitive edge by putting in place sound and holistic business practices, forums, and supportive tools to manipulate the workforce to achieve great results. BPM is centered on employees’ performance by providing the necessary resource tools to meet customer need and expectations.

There are five management aspects that are entailed in an ideal business process management namely, designing, modeling, execution, monitoring, and optimization. It is therefore evident that business process management is a process and not a one-time undertaking. There has to be a relentless commitment in the process in order to achieve results.

Once a company has made a decision to effect a change in its business process, it has to roll the ball by formulating the strategies and functions that are to be put in place. These are based on the ability of the organization to tap the workers talents, efforts, skills, time, energy in the most effective and efficient manner to achieve its goals.

It is noteworthy that the employees’ capacity to perform can remain underutilized when the management does not put in place stimulative measures to make the employees unleash their potentials. One of the most dynamic business aspects is the technological innovations. This is where the companies are ever investing in to create a competitive advantage.

A constant check in the technological innovations has to be maintained for the organization to keep its head up. Business process management is part of the IT service management in an organization. Through corporate research, a company can establish the innovations in the market that can significantly create a continual improvement in the performance of the workforce to meet customer needs and wants.

BPM embraces technological innovations, promoting employees' efficiency and effectiveness while creating flexibility by integrating of both the manpower and technological resource to meet customer satisfaction. Modeling in the context of Business process management implies initiating changes within the workforce to promote performance that is effective and efficient while applying the necessary technological innovations.

One of the factors that prompt a company to induce a change in its management functions is the buying behavior of the customers and this is in turn predetermined by the needs and expectations of consumers. For instance, a company may be forced to upgrade its production machinery and equipments to acquire the latest technological machinery that is efficiency and effective.

This brings in the issue of time, energy, and cost. The manpower must be able to achieve the desired results in the least time possible, with minimal efforts and energy, and at the same time maintain the minimum cost of operation, while meeting conformity to quality.

Implementation is another aspect in
business process management that the company management structure has to push forward. It is easily said than done! In addition, the changes that have been cited as core strategies and approaches must be driven into action. Whether a plan to promote employee morale or introduce a new technology, these must be put in practice.

This requires a total involvement of all the staff in the organization with a close initiation and control by the management. Besides the execution, the management should monitor the implementation process. There must be a feedback loop to enable the management revise its strategies that seem not to work.

The strategies applied must also be consistence to cost, time, and energy. In a nutshell, they should be effective and efficient. The company must integrate all the manpower and technological improvements to add value to goods and services in the most viable manner. Optimization involves the aspect of carrying out an improvement, enhancement, and capitalization of the production tools and the workforce achieves the desired results with minimal cost, time and energy though out.

It also entails a control of the tools of business process management by manipulating the workforce to implement changes that are aimed to match the customer needs and expectations with the quality of the products. The key words in
business process management are efficiency and effectiveness.