Friday, January 03, 2014

Structural Glass Solutions...Transforming Buildings with Glass Architecture

The structural glass solutions applied in building structures define the strength of the glass windows and doors to environmental and mechanical effects. When providing structural building and contractions services, contractors mainly focus on providing structures that are energy efficient, reduce the effects of environmental factors such as heat and rain as well as improve comfort and enhance the beauty of the structure. They also define the energy efficiency as well as the aesthetic beauty of your building. 

Similarly, the stability of the building glass structures such as sliding doors is determined by the materials and technological advancements applied. One of the best structural glass solutions you can use in buildings is structural glazing. There are different structural glazing methods used such as unitized, semi unitized and fully unitized. 

Spider glazing for instance, enhances aesthetic beauty and this can be incorporated with frameless glazing using spider fittings. The structural glazing designs are made from materials such as aluminum, silicon sealants and glass.

Glass glazing consists of glass sheets, which are held together with use of strong sealants. These are designed into specifications and they are easy to install and allow for low maintenance. The frameless structural glass solutions such as those done on door assemblies may require toughened fins that help reduce deflection that is created by load.

In addition, glass fin stabilizers are also used to support glass facades as backup structures. This also allows for maximum vision area. The glass fin stabilizers can be connected to the glass facades using spider fittings and this allows for transfer of the wind load from the facades through to the fins and then to the surrounding structure.

Curtain walling is a non-load bearing system that is used in the glazing solutions. This system is hanged on a building structure and this is where the name curtain is derived from. Nonetheless, the system can also be dead loaded. When carrying out curtain walling, there are certain things that need to be considered in the design work. These are such as air permeability, water tightness and wind resistant. 

Other factors are ventilation, acoustic requirements, solar shading, and thermal performance. The basic characteristics of curtain walling are usually square or rectangular grids of transoms and mullions though the designs can also be enhanced by incorporating sloped roofs, curves and facets as well as tilts and turns. One of the benefits of curtain wall facades structural glass solutions is the aesthetic beauty they display.

In order to ensure that stability, durability, and resistance to weather effects are attained on the curtain walling structures, they are glazed with state-of-the-art technological advancements. Structural glass solutions like the glazing designs offer efficient protection against noise. They also improve thermal insulation for enhanced energy saving.

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